So I started this webcomic when i was in middle school as a way to create a love for myself that didn't exist. I chose the title because I thought it was edgy but also because i ran out of ideas coming up for alternative names for this comic when it was posted on smackjeeves. I eventually met some people along the way that influenced the personalities of these characters, it was so long ago that now I have to write down their personalities to remember!~ this is a sort of comic for the incels/vocels, a happy story to hopefully give hope to people who think they can't get a girlfriend, but also that it maybe it is not all they wanted and that life is more than just being in a relationship as I used to veiw the world so long ago. It was originally it was intended to explore relationships and the different power dynamics that are in each. manipulation, coercion, and many of the negative pieces we notice in dealings with people i present in an ambiguous light. I do exaggerate for interest but I try to keep the characters as plausible as I can which is a herculean task now that I think of it. a lot of the influences are from growing up in a right-wing Christian culture as you will see in parts, and the ideology of the parents. Although the characters are very much significant parts of my life, they are very different from the person that I am today. this comic usually updates on a weekly basis.

About Me
i work. hard.