Tim Harding

Tim Harding
Age: 15Tim is the main character of the comic. He is a lonely, shy, nerd and is generally invisible to everyone except for his friend Foster. He has very low self-confidence, and he cannot talk very well to people. Tim knows martial arts, although he usually doesn't like to fight his battles, but run instead. If it matters enough to him, he will fight for what he believes in. Occaisionally he has to deal with Brian, a school bully. He takes all of his bullying without much retaliation. He believes he needs a better reason to beat him up. Thoughout the comic he constantly wishes he could have a girlfriend. He cut himself once, bled more than he wanted to, then realized that cutting was not for him. He cries to sleep instead, telling himself that he loves him. He constantly anticipates rejection from people and believes the odds are against him, and that he will never find anyone. all of this according to him is a result of his father leaving the family, and the bullying and rejection he faced in gradeschool and middleschool. Now that he is in Dubline high, only a few people know him, but he still carries the weight of his past with him.
Misc Info:likes slushies. Chinese food. hates anchovies, and dislikes mexican food. likes Halo 3. Plays Piano, mainly Billy joel. and other Indie artists. 5ft 9in tall.
Naru Ayase

Naru Ayase
Age: 14Naru is one of main female characters. she serves as one of Tim's love interests, and is sort of a role model to him almost. She is one person, and she is two people. Her elaborate, translucent facade is a girly girl. She usually takes the moral high ground on her decicions, and she voices her prejudice, and has a sort of goody goody nature about her, Which makes her fit in with the preppy crowd. In public places, she is this person. In private, at home, or even around her parents however, she is herself. She loves to play videogames. Her favorites are first person shooter and RTS games. She is An avid reader of manga, and loves japanese animation. Her friends don't really know her. She has been with many guys, and her knowledge of relationships is great. She saw that every guy her age only wanted sex or attention, so she promised herself that she would stop dating, until she found someone who was like her. When she entered Dubline High, she began to search for new friends so she wouldn't have to pretend to be something she wasn't, although she could play the part. Tim was the first person she met. her past mistakes however catch up to her.
Misc Info:likes oriental food. hates tofu or raw fish. she listens to Vocaloid and J-pop, as well as Pop and indie. 5ft 8in tall. Eats yogurt regularly.
Terah Finnekay

Terah Finnekay
Age: 14Terah is Tim's second love interest, with much a mindset like Tim. She is a shy girl, desperately wants a boyfriend, and believes her problems can be fixed through a relationship. She has been diagnosed with Annorexia Nervousa, and she cuts her self on an almost regular basis, due her clinical depression. She regulary visits a therapist, Mr. Gallagher (Dee's Father), which her mother begrudgingly pays for. Towards the beginning of 8th grade with her sessions with Mr. Gallagher, she began to improve. Naru was originally her friend at this time, but later she sold her out for popularity and made fun of her to fit in. She regressed to the point of needing anti-depressants. Dee Became her friend afterwards. She doesn't really understand what she goes through, but she does her best to help her. Dee also has a dislike for Naru, based on Terah's story. .
Misc Info:She is a neat freak. She listens to multiple genres of music, her healthy weight is 130lbs. her lowest weight was 95lbs. height 5ft 5in tall. She likes to watch tv series, as well as horror films. favorite food is mexican
Foster Parker

Foster Parker
Age: 14This is Foster. He is a class clown, and likes to make people laugh, even if it's at someone else's expense. He is Tim's best friend from middle school, and he loves to play Halo 3. He's not the brightest person or the most aware of people's feelings, but He does his best. He is generally a positive person, and tries to get Tim to see things in a positive light. This quality also comes to play in his relationship with Dee, his girlfriend, who is clearly more intelligent than he is. He wonders how he got her most of the time, and believes it was just dumb luck.
Misc Info:His favorite food is chicken pot pie. He loves anime and manga passionately, and enjoys using and butchering the Japanese language. likes Halo 3 alot. Playing that game is his most marketeable skill. not much of a problem solver, but can be informed on certain topics. Height is 5ft 9in.
Dee Gallagher

Dee Gallagher
Age: 15This is Dee. she is a computer programmer with a knack for penetrating systems. In the comic she is Foster's girlfriend, and Terah's concerned friend. she always trying to help people and like her father is very aware of peoples feelings, She has animosity towards her father (A therapist) usually but when it comes to Terah, they come together to try and help her. Her mother She likes more because she offers her more freedom than her father. She is a particle physicist, and works late hours. She is also the voice and hammer of reason for her boyfriend, and Tim, although she only hits Foster. As her relationship with Foster continues, it becomes more difficult. she hides it from her father who disproves of Foster and of her dating until she is 16, and also attempts to control her computer usage (and fails epically).
Misc Info:She likes good food. her height is 5'7 weight is 140lbs. hobbies are playing computer games, watching Cartoons, and foiling her father's plans to control her computer and phone usage. She also loves toasted tortillas.
minor characters

A passionate Highschool math teacher. Hates blood.

A table-mate of Dee and Foster's IMP class. she does her best to focus on her work and keep her teammates accountable.

The school nurse who despite her professional appearance, hates being professional, and fancies young men.