so this page serves the purpose of giving a layout of the school a bit. i wanted to keep a fairly logical layout of the actual school though it may make it more difficult to keep consistent. let me guys know if you like the random colorists doing the job or if you would rather see me do the coloring myself. it takes more time for me to color, because I also need to plan how the pages will look, and the dialogue as well as layout and pacing. it's easier to pay someone else to do it, while I simply focus on drawing and perfecting my craft. the next page will be done by a new colorist, since my other one has bailed on me again. it's hard to keep colorist around even when you throw money at them it seems.
oh yeah this page was done completely digital. the next one is as well.i plan to start doing characters by hand, and backgrounds digitally, therefore my characters can look more organic, while my buildings can look more straight than I would be able to achieve with a ruler.